The Best Ways to Store Wool Sweaters: Keep Them Good as New!

The Best Ways to Store Wool Sweaters, When you look at your cupboard full of seasonal clothing and luxurious wool sweaters, you might wonder if anyone else has problems storing their wool sweaters.

Even if your cupboard is big, you’d want your wool sweaters stored properly and away during summertime, so what do we do?

Luckily, we have the best ways to store wool sweaters to make things more manageable.

Wool sweaters are different, so there are various ways to keep them away properly. 

Read on for basic guidelines to keep them stored and protected from pests. 

Table of Contents

What to Do Before Storing Wool Sweaters?

The season for flaunting your fluffy wool sweaters is slowly ending (although other woolen items, such as wool socks, are popular during summer!).

We want to store our beloved wool sweaters properly so they’re good as new for winter again. 

Before storing them away, here’s what you should do. 


Before packing your sweaters, this is the perfect time to clean out your cupboards to make space for new purchases or remove any garments you don’t want or want to give away.

If one of your wool sweaters does not fit well, is damaged, or has a nasty, hard-to-get-rid of stain, it’s probably time to let that one go! 

You can donate old wool sweaters in good condition to families or charities. 


This is one of the most important steps in storing your wool sweaters.

You must clean your wool sweaters before storage.

Even if they look clean from a distance, there is a chance that bacteria and odor may be sticking to the fibers.

This is especially vital if you have left your sweaters in the closet after wearing them and have not washed them in a while. 

You can take them to the dry cleaner or hand/machine wash them at home.

Use a mild detergent or a special wool shampoo when washing at home.

Ensure the sweaters are completely dry before storing them so they do not get a musty smell. 


You should pick a cool, dry location for storing your sweaters.

An empty closet is your best bet. While you might think the basement is a good idea, it’s not, as this area may have lots of moisture since it is dark and closed off.

You should add silica packets to absorb moisture when storing your wool sweaters. 

While luxury wool such as merino wool is often grouped with cashmere sweaters, putting these two materials together in the same bag is not advised.

Just like us, wool needs space to breathe!

Wool Sweaters in a Pile

(Wool Sweaters in a Pile)

Types of Storage

Once you have washed your wool sweaters and chosen your spot for storage, it is time to choose which type of storage you’re going with.

Your wool sweaters are prone to clothes moths, dust, mold, and general wear and tear when not in use, so you must take the necessary measures to ensure they remain in perfect condition. 

Vacuum-Packed Bags

Vacuum-packed bags are staples when traveling, storing food, and many more.

You can also use these nifty bags to store your wool sweaters.

Not only are your sweaters protected from dust, moths, and other pests, but it also saves space so you can store more bags on one shelve.

This arrangement will be so much neater. 

However, vacuum-sealed bags do come with some disadvantages.

Over time, the seal on the bag will weaken, allowing pests, air, and moisture into the bags and onto the sweaters.

It would be best to reseal them occasionally to prevent this. 

Someone Using a Vacuum Pump

(Someone Using a Vacuum Pump)

Cloth Storage Bags

Cloth storage bags are not like garment bags, as these storage bags are more rectangular, made with a breathable fabric, and has a zip.

While they are not as convenient as vacuum-sealed bags in space, cloth storage bags allow your wool sweaters to breathe, which is vital in proper storage. 

To prevent your wool sweaters from catching on the zippers, wrap them in tissue paper first.

This will also prevent the yellowing of the sweaters. 

Boxes and Bins

This option is easy and relatively cheaper than cloth storage and vacuum-sealed bags.

However, their biggest disadvantage is that you need a lot of space for them.

For the best results, use collapsible cotton bins.

The cotton lets your wool sweaters breathe while keeping the pests and dust away.

It would be best to put the heaviest wool sweaters at the bottom so they do not damage the lighter ones. 

You can also use plastic bins under the bed or on the higher shelves.

But in these cases, you have to make sure that you reduce the humidity by adding silica packets to the plastic bins. 

Hands in Mittens

(Hands in Mittens)

Getting Rid of Wool Eating Pests

Nothing can ruin your morning more than looking into your closet and seeing pests in your wool sweaters.

You’ve been attacked! And where there is one, there are many.

However, you can easily sort them out with the following solutions. 

Get Rid of Silverfish

Borax is an effective and natural way to get rid of silverfish.

You can buy borax at the local store and put a thin layer in your closet or on your shelves.

Putting it on the back of cupboards, along baseboards, and inside the closet is best. 

It is also important to reduce humidity, so purchase a dehumidifier or other moisture absorbents. 

Moth Repellents

You can make your natural moth repellent.

In a small cloth bag, place dried thyme, cloves, rosemary, bay leaves, and lavender, and hang it in your closet or wherever you have your wool sweaters.

Even the oil from these herbs, sprayed on your clothes, acts as a moth repellent. 

Dried Herbs

(Dried Herbs)


Now, you are armed with information on the best ways to store your wool sweaters.

Following the above guidelines will help you keep your wool garments good as new and just as fluffy for the next winter cycle.

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