Why Roofing Felt is the Best Choice for Solving Roof Leaks

Whether as a contractor or a construction worker, or just a person interested in renovations, you should change the leaky roof.

You must have heard the roofing felt many times. It lies between the underlying decks made of wood and the overlying roof shingles. But before you consider cutting costs by scraping this part of the roof. Did you know that well-installed roofing felt can make the finishing of your roof not only more beautiful but also last longer?

In the long run, obtaining roof felts is cost-effective and has more benefits. Do you want to know more? Please follow me.

Table of Contents

Close up rolls of black felt

Chapter 1: What you Should Know Before Using the Roofing Felt

Before you purchase anything at the grocery store, you know why exactly you’re getting it. Well, you shouldn’t get roofing felt installed either just because your contractor says so. You should keep in mind the myriad of problems the roofing felt is saving you from:

1. Leaky roofs

Leaking the roof is a common nightmare, and almost every homeowner is familiar with this nightmare. Common around, chimneys, gutters, and skylights can lead to unpleasant and discolored damp walls. Thankfully, roofing provided an extra layer of protection for raindrops that might slip through roof shingles and underlying decks.

2. Extra protection from the elements

Roofing can help protect your home or building from the influence of different natural elements, including rain, melting snow, or even ice. When they enter the roof tiles, they create holes and gaps in the roof.

3. Cracks and Blisters

As time passes, it’s natural for roofs to encounter problems that might leave damage in their texture from animals, fallen trees, and even just the test of time. Various factors could leave cracks and blisters on your roof.

4. Types of roofing felt

Several types of roofing felt are designed to protect your building and improve the overall aesthetic outlook of your home.

• Glass fiber-based roofing felts are the most popular due to their durability. That enables them to withstand wear and tear in extreme weather conditions for extended periods.

• Polyester fiber-based roofing also felts common as they are highly resistant and provide added traction. It can also be reinforced with asphalt to make it waterproof.

These roofs protect your building from harsh external elements and make your final roofing as attractive as possible. But before changing your roofing system to include ideal roofing felt, there are a couple of things you should consider:

5. The timeline

Depending on the area needed to be covered, installing new roofing felt can take anywhere from a day to a couple of weeks. It is important to factor in unforeseen delays that might require an extension.

6. Roof accessories

Having different attachments or accessories on your roof should be considered. Penetrations like chimneys, skylights, gutters, and ridges would need to be accessed and taken into consideration when purchasing the materials needed and estimating the amount of time required to finish.

7. Cost

The type of roofing felt used and the amount needed would determine, to a large extent, the cost of re-roofing. Before starting the project, it is best to talk to your contractor after thoroughly evaluating the roof.

Layers of roofing on the house

Chapter 2How to Install Roofing Felt Properly

Roofing felt can alternatively be called tar paper. To resist damage due to water, it is often made waterproof and reinforced with fiberglass. Bituminous felt is made of bitumen. The bitumen is the product of mixing sand or crushed limestone with distilled crude oil, then placed on a layer of synthetic membranes such as fiberglass or polyester. On the other hand, she felt made from compressed cloth fiber and then covered with a layer of altered bitumen. It gives it the benefit of being waterproof and retaining a standard level of flexibility and strength. It is cheaper and easier to use than its asphalt counterpart.

As stated above, there are various factors to consider before getting a layer of roofing felt. But its installation process can be a little complicated, and if not done right, can result in unsatisfactory outcomes.

Step 1: Cut out the pieces you need

For a more organized and efficient job, you should cut out the pieces of felt required for the job. To avoid wasting or coming up short of felt material, you should calculate the area of the roof and roof accessories like chimneys’ which would require extra material. Then buy the amount of material required for the job. Ensure that you use a clear-cut blade to cut out the outline you have marked out.

Step 2: Set the proper foundation

Your roof must be adequately prepared for the layer felt you plan to install. Remove old pieces of felt with your hands or a knife, and remove any debris like nails and dirt that may stick to the underlying wooden surface using sandpaper. Replace any damaged part of the wooden deck and allow the roof dry. You may apply a coat of waterproof paint for a better and longer-lasting job.

Step 3: Installing the roof felt

Roll out the cut-out layer of felt from one corner to the other(preferably from the bottom to the top.) Ensure it remains flat as you do, and tack it down with a gun. Roll another layer of feeling on the previous one, going in the opposite direction as the first one, repeat this process until at the roof’s peak, and then secure the layers of feeling with nails for permanent fixtures.

For more detailed information on installing the roofing felt, click this link:

Workers installing a roof felt

Chapter 3Benefits of the Roofing Felt

There are several reasons to invest in roofing felt:

1. Roofing Felt: It is necessary

In many countries, roofing felt is necessary when using certain roof shingles. So to get a complete and up-to-date building code, roofing felts are a necessity rather than an added luxury.

2. Roofing Felt: Added aesthetic value

Even if your roof deck is not well done, a layer of roofing felt can make a difference. Create a flat surface that will make your roof tiles look straight and even, making the finished work more attractive.

3. Roofing Felt: Protection from harsh weather

Roofing felt to provide an additional layer of protection. Prevent heavy rain, snow, and ice from penetrating your roof tiles and causing damage.

4. Roofing Felt: It extends the life of your roof

By covering your roof with an added layer of protection, you preserve the integrity of the wood deck much longer than if left exposed. In the long run, with the weather, or resin stains on your roof shingles, having a roof felt installation is a friendly option.

5. Roofing Felt: It protects the deck while work is ongoing

On the roof, it takes time from building the deck to installing the roof tiles. Roofing felt is good for protecting the wooden deck from elements like rain or unexpected delays before the roof shingles can place.

Image of waterproofing of a residential building

Chapter 4Other Ways to Protect the Roof

Roofing felt is one of many ways to line a flat roof. It is one of the easily affordable methods suitable for virtually any roofing job. Other methods include

  • Asphalt Roof, although as popular as felt roofing, is on the decline due to their price, but not out as they are extremely durable.
  • EPDM Rubber Roof offers added flexibility and reduced bulk without compromising durability, making it suitable for lightweight structures and buildings.
  • The single-ply membrane roof system is attractive and resistant to fire but has the disadvantage of being considerably more expensive.

Roofing felt, although requiring open flames to be installed, offers a higher level of durability and strength when compared to the price of techniques like asphalt roofing and Single-ply membrane. It is also much less fragile than EPDM, which might shrink when not maintained properly.

A newly constructed house with a new roof

Chapter 5Social Comments on the Roofing Felt

But you shouldn’t take just my word for it; reviews on amazon from real users of roofing felt are right here:

“Excellent delivery service. Good quality felt covered the shed roof with adequate felt nails. Very pleased with price and company” – Mrs. D.Barker

“I bought the shed felt after reading reviews online. The quality of the felt lived up to the reviews, and the quick delivery made it an easy decision to purchase. It was easy to put on, looks great, and I hope that it lasts for years!”–Starbird

replace the roof of the house


Leaky roofs and annual investments in a new roof can easily become a thing of the past with an extra layer of protection provided by a felt roof. Click here for pocket-friendly and beautifully done roofing that protects your homes and buildings against harsh weather conditions and keeps your roof looking new as long as possible.

Profession worker preparing to install a bitumen felt roof

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